Section Title
Plastering St Philomena’s Catholic High school, two rooms and landing
Duration: 6 days
Area: 180 m2
Background: Existing plaster, brickwork
Job description:
-Removing existing...
Instal insulation,plasterboards and two coat of skim-Extension Previous Next...
Duration: 12 days
Area: 320m2
Background: Existing plaster, brickwork, plasterboards
Job description:
-Supply the material
-Overboard the ceilings in 2 rooms
-Plastering over existing...
Duration: 2 days
Area: 112m2
Background: Plasterboards
Job description:
-Supply the material
-Boarding walls and ceilings
-Install Fibre glass joint mesh
-Plastering over...
Duration: 5 days
Area: 290m2
Background: Plasterboards
Job description:
-Supply the material
-Plastering over plasterboards
-Straighten the walls and ceilings
-Two coat of skim coat to walls and...
Plastering staircase
Duration: 2 days
Area: 80m2
Background: New plasterboards
Job description:
-Supply the material
-Plastering over plasterboards
-Straighten the walls and ceilings
Duration:5 days
Background: Existing plaster
Job description:
Removing existing plaster where needed and fill the holes
Install angle beads, stop beads
Use a Fibre glass mesh to prevent...
Duration:41 days
Background: Existing plaster
Job description:
Supply the material
Float and set to area 650sq
Spray plaster MP75
Internal rendering
Plastering over plasterboards
Tidy up...