Plastering Whole House

Duration: 12 days
Area: 320m2
Background: Existing plaster, brickwork, plasterboards

Job description:

-Supply the material
-Overboard the ceilings in 2 rooms
-Plastering over existing plaster
-Plastering over brickwork
-Plastering overplasterboards
-Float and set,straighten the walls
-Remove blown plaster where needed

-Install Fibre glass mesh in worse areas

-Apply grit primer (Febond Blue Grit is a high performance, plasterers grip coat bonding agent specifically designed to provide an improved key to smooth surfaces)

-3/4 mm of skim coat to walls and ceilings
-Tidy up

Plasterboarding and Plastering two rooms

Duration: 2 days
Area: 112m2
Background: Plasterboards

Job description:

-Supply the material
-Boarding walls and ceilings

-Install Fibre glass joint mesh

-Plastering over plasterboards

-Tidy up

Plastering large new extension

Duration: 5 days
Area: 290m2
Background: Plasterboards

Job description:
-Supply the material
-Plastering over plasterboards
-Straighten the walls and ceilings
-Two coat of skim coat to walls and ceilings
-Tidy up

Plastering and skimming Loft conversion

Plastering staircase

Duration: 2 days
Area: 80m2
Background: New plasterboards

Job description:
-Supply the material
-Plastering over plasterboards
-Straighten the walls and ceilings
-Two coat of skim coat to walls and ceilings
-Tidy up

Plastering in Cologne RD

Duration:5 days
Background: Existing plaster

Job description:
Removing existing plaster where needed and fill the holes
Install angle beads, stop beads
Use a Fibre glass mesh to prevent cracking
Plastering over existing plaster left redy for decoration
Supply the material
Tidy up

Barnet, North London

Duration:41 days
Background: Existing plaster

Job description:
Supply the material
Float and set to area 650sq
Spray plaster MP75
Internal rendering
Plastering over plasterboards
Tidy up


Duration:14 days
Background: Plasterboards only

Job description:
Installation angle/stop beads
Plastering over plasterboards
Tidy up

Plastering in Pulton Place

Duration: 6 days
Area: 220m2
Background: Existing plaster and new plasterboards

Job description:

Supply the material
Wet plaster to walls
Prepare the surface: fill chases, holes etc
Plastering over existing plaster and new plasterboards left ready for decoration.
Apply Fibreglass mesh to prevent cracks and apply grit primer for the walls (Febond Blue Grit is a high performance, plasterers grip coat bonding agent specifically designed to provide an improved key to
smooth surfaces)
Two coat of skim
Tidy up

Plastering New Blockwork by spraying machine

Area: 150m2
Background: Blockwork, bricwork

Job description:
– Supply the material
– Protect the window and doors
– Plastering over brickwork
– Plastering over blockwork
– Plastering walls using spraying machine,Knauf- MP75
– Projection Plaster
-Tidy up

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